Do you want my blogging and tech secrets?

How I got Adsense Approval with Just 6 Posts.Explained in Detail and Its FREE

Hey,I'm Suman Matety,I am passionate about tech and blogging but it should helpful to you,Right?

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Top 5 Ways To Make Money Online

Best 5 ways to make money online in this modern world. Home-based jobs give us lakhs of rupees with these best ways to make money online. Without investment earn money online in 2018.

Top 5 Ways To Make Money Online
Top 5 Ways To Make Money Online

Here these tips will definitely make you money based on your hard work and smart work. Most of the people making living with online income.

Best and Quickest Way to Earn Money Online

1.Become a Blogger (Blogging):

Just share your thoughts with others in a way that millions of people can reach. Create a blog and start writing that you are in interested and finding on the web. Apply and get Adsense approved or many other ways and make a good income out of blogging.

2.Become a  YouTuber (YouTube):

Create a youtube channel and upload videos on it. Just shoot a video which is interested in you like Tech, Comedy and many more. With more subscribers and views you can also earn by sponsoring companies. Youtube also pays you for advertising.

Subscribe us

3.Become a freelancer (Freelancing):

There are many people looking for professionals to be work for them and get paid on many websites like Fiverr,upwork and many more. Go to a respective site and create your profile that in which you are great at like Graphics, Designing, Content Writer and many more what not?

4.Affiliate Marketing:

This is the best way to make money online and most of the people online like this (including me).because just refer a product and promote a product on your website or a youtube channel or you can share the link to your friends or family to use this link to purchase the product or service.

If someone clicks or purchase you get a commission out of it based on the product price. Clickbank, Clicksense, Amazon and Flipkart are best websites to make money through affiliate marketing.

5.Online Surveys:

With increasing users online most of the companies taking help from the people by creating surveys and pay them for entering the survey.
Research companies always recruiting new members to answer their surveys.

Try this good one:

 Toluna, MySurvey, i-Say, OnePoll, Global Test Market, The Opinion Panel, YouGov, Panel Opinion, Pinecone, Valued Opinions, SurveyBods, PanelBase, Branded Surveys, Hiving, Opinion Outpost, Prolific Academic, Harris Poll, Mind Mover, New Vista, PopulusLive, iPoll.

So, these are the top 5 ways that many people earning and living with these simple and easy ways.
if you know any other methods that work best, let me and our visitors know about them.

3.Become a freelancer (Freelancing):

There are many people looking for professionals to be work for them and get paid in many websites like Fiverr,upwork and many more. Go to a respective site and create your profile that in which you are great at like Graphics, Designing, Content Writer and many more what not?

4.Affiliate Marketing:

This is the best way to make money online and most of the people online like this (including me).because just refer a product and promote a product on your website or youtube channel or you can share the link to your friends or family to use this link to purchase the product or service.

If someone clicks or purchase you get a commission out of it based on the product price. Clickbank, Clicksense, Amazon and Flipkart are best websites to make money through affiliate marketing.

5.Online Surveys:

With increasing users online most of the companies taking help from the people by creating surveys and pay them for entering the survey.
Research companies always recruiting new members to answer their surveys.

Try this good one:

 Toluna, MySurvey, i-Say, OnePoll, Global Test Market, The Opinion Panel, YouGov, Panel Opinion, Pinecone, Valued Opinions, SurveyBods, PanelBase, Branded Surveys, Hiving, Opinion Outpost, Prolific Academic, Harris Poll, Mind Mover, New Vista, PopulusLive, iPoll.

So, these are the top 5 ways that many people earning and living with these simple and easy ways.
if you know any other methods that work best, let me and our visitors know about them.
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On-Page SEO Checklist That Helps You to Rank (2019)

On-Page SEO techniques and factors that help your site to rank no 1 on Google. This On-page SEO checklist contains all the possible ways to optimize your website for ranking.

If you are searching for a better-proven strategy that works this is the post for On-Page SEO checklist.

On-Page SEO Checklist and Techniques

On-Page SEO Checklist That Helps You to Rank (2018)
On-Page SEO Checklist That Helps You to Rank (2019)

Start Your Tittle with Right Keyword:

Your target keyword must contain at the beginning of your title because of every person on google search with keywords and mostly it helps Google to understand what the post is.

SEO Friendly URLs:
I have seen most of the bloggers use the label and time in their URLs.But after the domain, the title of the post is best for optimisation with only 3 words for better results in On-page SEO.
Bad Url
Best Url

But in blogger, we can't do anything as the blogger defaults add the month and year after the domain name. But in WordPress, you can manage everything.

Add Power Words in Tittle:
Yes, Power words mean Best Seo Tips, Guide to On-page SEO, 2018, factors. It helps in longtail ranking.

Make Tittle as <h1>:
Make your title of the post as <h1> Heading. Because Heading contains the targeted keyword and if there is no h1 tag, Google penalize your site for ranking.

You should manually be done in blogger and it WordPress it automatically was done by Wordpress.

Multimedia - Images, Videos and More;
You must add at least one image in a post. I mostly use 1 or 2 images in post. Images, videos, infographic makes the visitor confident about positive thinking and it helps Google to rank your images via image search.

You know mostly images help us to get a high bounce rate because the user stays high time by watching videos and infographic.

Include your target keyword in Sub-Headings:
Yes, You knows you must the <h> once a time in the post don't use it repeatedly.That means most bloggers use <h2> tag 2 to 3 times.This is not good for on-page SEO.

Keyword in the First 100 words:
Make sure to add your target keyword in the first 100 words. Use Synonyms and LSI keywords if possible.

Responsive Design - Mobile Friendly:
Make your website Responsive to all size screens.
If you don't have responsive template google don't help you in ranking.

Out Bond Links:
On page SEO, outbound links play a major role because outbound links help the google to understand what article about. While crawling your post google checks the outbound links and the algorithm knows about the outbound link information it can easily understand the relativity of the topic.

Internal Linking with other related topics:
Link your other related articles which come under the same topic this helps google to find the topic of an article. Add 2 or 3 internal links in every post. 

Page Speed Insights:
Yes, Google started penalizing websites with slow loading. In On-Page SEO page loading is the main key to ranking with others. It better to make your site load time about is 2-3seconds.

Use LSI keywords in Post:
Use all the LSI keywords in your post with the right placement. Just add the synonyms of the keywords in the posts. It measures the quality of the site.

Image Optimisation:
Yes, compress your images with tools online and alt-text with tittle. Make sure to have the keyword in the images name - on-page-seo.png

Social Media Shares:
The more shares you get the high chances you get in ranking. Because more people visit your site and you get the impression from google.

  • Have you Got Adsense Approved?

Long Content:
Yes, Post long content with about 600 words because Google ranks the site with high data and also it contains more keywords.

Get more comments because comments are also considered as the content of the post by Google.

So, What do you think about On-Page Seo Optimization Checklist with Techniques that work in 2018?

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How To Create a Blog For Free And Make Money

 Last Updated:12/10/2017

Everybody thinks about having a blog and run it as a professional but it can be expensive and need time. So, Here learn about creating a blog for free and make money. It can be easy with CMS and create a blog for free now. Which shows passion and earns money for passion.

Creating a Free blog is make us professional but How to Create Free Blog. That can be for your family, friends or any topic. And if you want to earn a decent amount you can.

It's easy! Yes
how to create a blog for free and make money,create a blog google,free blog maker
How To Create a Blog For Free And Make Money

Creating a Blog for Free:

Here at SmartSuman, I have written articles about blogging. There are many Blogging Platforms online with excellent tools but which is better to use? This Post is for beginner and I don't let spend money on Domain and Hosting.

Now: is a free service which is powered by Google and has some limitations. Anyhow, every new blogger doesn't want to spend money on Domain and Hosting. I won't suggest you do that if you are a newbie in blogging.

Just learn about Blogging first. 

As I Mention above, for a newbie its better use first and you can host and buy domain after you know about Blogging totally.

Make Money From Blog:

This post is totally for beginner and wants to create a free blog and make money too. 

Yes, you can make money from your free blog. I have added basics in this.

Here is the deal:

Before I start a complete step-by-step order guide, there is a basic about You Should Know:

   1. is a powered by Google Service.
   2. If you have wanted to earn a decent amount from your blog.
       Without investment, Blogger.Com is Good for every beginner with easy find tools. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Blog on

Firstly, You need a Gmail Account to sign up and create a blog for free on However, If you don't have you can create for free on

For first time user, Google asks to create an Identity Profile on Google Plus. Or you can use blogger profile but I recommend to use your Google Plus profile.

Once you are logged into Go to and search for and open Blogger.

Click on "New Blog" as shown in Picture

how to create a blog for free and make money,create a blog google,free blog maker
Click New Blog

Name your blog in the Title and blog address as shown, if available, select theme or you can change it later then click on "Create". Your blog will be created and blog address will be like 

add blog tittle in blogger,how to add blog domain tittle,blogger
Add Title To Your Free Blog

You are Done! Your Free Blog is Created but it design and elements should professional, Right?

This is Crazy:

Create Pages:

create pages in blogger,how to create an about me page on blogger,how to create pages in blogger
Add Pages to Your Free Blog

Start Posting your first post.But before I recommend you go to pages and create About Page and Contact Page which are basic pages and looks good if your blog is personal use.

Earn from Your FREE Blog Using Adsense:

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Check Earnings From Your Blog

Yes, You can earn from your blog with Google Adsense when it reaches to Adsense Eligibility. So, go to Earnings section and check if your blog is eligible for AdSense or not. 

If your main aim is to earn from your business blog, modify it and major steps to be taken and read How to Get Adsense Eligibility.

Modify using Layout:

customize blogger template,how to edit blogger layout,how to customize blogger template
Customize Blogger Template

Go to Layout, You can see page elements that add your Blog Logo and make changes. You can edit like dragging and dropping an element from one place to other. 

Write Your First Post:

how to write a blog post on blogger,first blog posts,first blog post title
Write First Post

Start Blogging and Earn Money Online.
Happy Blogging!

So, You created your first post and well done about the blog but how to get your blog top in Google Search Results
What are you thinking about this post on creating a blog for free and make money? 
Let me know and share it by supporting us.
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SEO Guide:Best Ultimate 20 Secret Factors for Beginners 2019

Last Updated:26/01/2018

Who doesn't want to Rank#1 in Google Search Results? But How To Do? Most common questions all new bloggers have in their mind. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the main factor for Ranking. It's Completely an Ultimate Google SEO Guide. Ranking Top in Search Results in 2019 is not easy because most of the competitors use the same process. So, What are the new tools to get rank first on Google?

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SEO Guide: Best Ultimate 20 Steps for Beginners 2019
Here it is

Most Common Questions You May Have:

  • How to do search engine optimization
  • Search Engine Optimisation tips by Google
  • How to Find Keywords?
  • Is there any SEO checker?

OK, Now Lets got to Topic


SEO is not one sticky information that Google changes its algorithms every year and being updated for its customers. So, Before writing a post do research on keywords.

You can use many Tools for keywords but best is SEMRUSH and it shows the competitor keywords ranking for. Most searched keywords.

On-Page SEO:

While writing your post, use your keyword in the first paragraph and the last paragraph of your post. Google bots check for the keyword in the post.

Keyword density about 2% in the post body.
Use synonyms for keywords inside the post because using the heavy keywords may penalize by Search Rankings.

Off-Page SEO:

Use widgets like Most Popular and Labels in your Website for best user experience. Social Share buttons don't play the major role but users share your post in Social sites, Google bots think that this is the wealthy post.AddThis is a free tool for floating buttons and subscribe and more.

LSI Keywords:

lsi keywords generator ,how to find lsi keywords,lsi keywords example,lsi graph
LSI Keywords In Google Search Results

Using of LSI keywords in the post used to rank for related keywords.LSIgraph is a free tool to find keywords for LSI. Or you can also find in the search results of Google.

Simply search your query in Google and it shows the LSI at the last of the footer with search related to:-----

Don't miss the below information:


Is Looking for Template is a Ranking Factor? Definitely Yes, Because it's for visitor usage experience for finding elements and topics of your site.

Ensure your website sidebar looks clean and looks like a pro.

Load Time:

In 2015, Google started to find for Fast loading websites are top in Search Results. Check your website load time if it is less than 2 sec it is good for ranking.

GTmetrix is a tool to find your load time and gives Grade for your site. Compress, Resize and reduce image size by compressing. Kraken is the tool and even I use it to compress images.


While Google changes its Algorithms year, Responsive is now most SEO factor for getting top in Google.

Responsive Checker is a free tool and shows different models of mobiles too.

Keyword Placement:

  • Meta Title: Place your keyword in meta title. Use your title starting with Keyword.
  • Meta Description: Its plays a major role in clicking on your site.write a rocking and clickable description. Use up to 150 characters in the search description as Google shows up to 150 only.
  • Image Name and Alt tag: Use your keyword in Image title and alt tag as it finds in Image search results.
  • Image Caption: Put your target keyword in the Image with short and two keywords best for SEO.


how many internal links per page ,internal links example ,internal linking strategy 2017
InterLinking on Wikipedia

Link your old posts with new posts as they get page views and a visitor stays time will be increased. CTR can be improved by Interlinking.

Have a look below :

You can see Wikipedia for Interlinking as they use many links in their articles. So, don't use many interlinks, I recommend 2 interlinks for the paragraph as it plays a role for UE(user experience)

Guest Posting:

Don't write only for your blog. Write for others that can build an excellent backlink for your site. Write for top blogs only.

Learning SEO:

You can't be an Optimisation Expert as Technology developments(in my view). Google CEO Satya Nadela works for his company daily right? 

So, invest time in Learning SEO from other bloggers.

Google Analytics:

It is a Powered by Google Service which helps to track your search traffic and what to do for better improvements on the site by Google Analytics.

Submit Sitemap:

Submit your Site sitemap to all search engines webmaster tools to identify the robots what about your site and pages. 

They can easily find all the posts or pages updated if you submit.


Create a robot.txt file and submit into webmaster tools it helps crawl bots to index and indexing a specific page like Disclaimer, Privacy, Archives and more you can

SEO Friendly Permalink:

Make your URL friendly for optimisation to identify the topic of that page easily.

permalink structure seo,best permalink structure for seo 2017,best permalink
Best Permalink Structure

 For Ex.

Bad Permalink Structure, dirty permalink seo
Bad Permalink Structure

Not like

Use hyphens(-) between the words, mostly 3 hyphens are suggested like

Keyword Research:

Do Keyword density before starting the project mean the post. We think this is our main goal, right? Find better keywords with medium competition because you can easily get ranked. 

Search your keyword on Google and find your competitors. Don't use that keyword if it has high competition.SEMrush is the Free tools to find keywords.

Title and Meta Description:

The page title and meta description play an important role in on-page SEO. Write a catchy title that should be clicked. Start your title with the Keyword.CoShedule is a Free tool which analyzer your title.

The meta description won't help you in ranking but it appears on the search results listing, so make sure to use 155 words length and make it perfect.

Friendly Content:

Write words that are readable and interesting. Google bots don't call you for services, right? So make interesting. Give it like paragraphs.

Don't clumsy the content and use words like so on, keep reading and some extra words.

Social Media Marketing:

Use a clickable title and post image for more response. Post on twitter make sure to use #hashtags and tell your friends to share it. Create a Page on Facebook. 

Create Whatsapp groups and invite people on your page let them join.

Last Updated instead Posted on:

Use last updated that a visitor thinks that it is fresh content related to that year. This helps in Social sharing.

              By using these SEO Techniques, Google may bring Traffic to your site but we can't expect the next algorithm update. So, keep your content updated.

Use the above steps because you don't want to think why Google hates my site. Yes,  Google hates your site if you don't have proper SEO. 

What are you thinking about the SEO steps and do you find it helpful?
Let me know in Comments Below
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How to Get Adsense Approval for Blogger

Last Updated:25/09/2019

Are you searching for the query on how to qualify for Adsense with a new Blogger blog? So you are the right place to find and get accepted from Google Adsense approval team.
blogger adsense approval trick
How to Get Adsense Approval for Blogger

How to Qualify for AdSense through Blogger:

Google Adsense is a Best Contextual Ads paying program for Bloggers. 

Every blogger dream is placed ads of a blogger as it shows relevant content matching ads and user interest-based ads to get high CTR(Click-Through-Rate) and Make Money Online.

But every blogger remains the same question and think to be Approved within a Short-Time.

For Newbie:

Quality Content

You may start research online, but these are rocking steps to approved. You may try for re-applying and get rejected. 

Check reason from Adsense Team in your mail with low-quality content or sometimes design matters on Approval.

And most of the bloggers use as a platform as it FREE (even me used at first). 

But Is Adsense approval your blog for showing ads for Blogspot Users? Definitely, Yes!

 But getting  Approved fast is not that easy because it has strict rules and regulations about account approval.

One of them is Blogspot user Blog should be minimum six months old but it's not genuine. Adsense need Publishers, Right?. 

If you have a quality blog or website with Quality Content with Design. You can get Approved in a short time period.

Start Research on Best Quality Content Writing tips or Hire a FreeLancer if you can spend.

Learn Content Writing tricks online and try testing with different posts. Conclude when it works for you. Go on with same steps.

Social Fan Pages for Blog

Create Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus Pages for your blog and input your blog web address in pages. 

Show social icons for following your Fan Pages.

Add floating social sharing icons for better user experience. Use AddThis is a free tool for floating share icons that used on my Blog too. Share this post.

Create a logo for your blog to think that you are serious about blogging because they verify each account manually for approval.

Adsense Common Questions You May Have:

  • How can I make Google Adsense account?
  • How do I get Adsense approval on my blog?
  • How to qualify Approval Fast? 
  • How to Create Google Adsense Account?
  • How to qualify for AdSense through blogger

    Minimum Posts

    This is a blogger Adsense approval trick for a New Blog. So, check out to have minimum posts of (20+) on your blog with quality content and design. With a custom domain, the approval chances are so high.


    We are  Blogspot users.
    So, most of the times Google Adsense Intelligence Team rejects your account with a default theme and settings.

     So, customize your blog theme.

    Below step is most important:

    You may find Google Adsense account approval trick with HTML code on some websites. Ads will be displayed with your publisher ID but when a visitor clicks on an ad, you don't get any earning.

    So, There is NO Blogger  Adsense Approval Trick and you don't get any earnings on using it too.

    Qualify for  AdSense through blogger is easy by following this steps.

    How To Get Adsense Account Approved for Blogspot/Blogger:

    1. Sign up for Adsense using Google apps like
    2. Create Pages like About, Contact, Privacy, Disclaimer, Terms and conditions and more if you can. 
    3. Be sure your blog looks like a Professional Website.
    4. Have at least 15-20 posts with High-Quality Content.
    5.  (Don't copy the content from others as it illegal and can claim a complaint on you)
    6. Don't use Copyrighted images on Blog Posts. If you are using images from Google Images, go back and delete them immediately. 
    7. Be sure your sidebar looks clean and professional.
    8. Create Social Media Pages and Community.
    9. Every single post has to be a minimum of 600 to 1000 words for more chances. 
    10. Apply for Adsense and Enjoy!
    11. But  Google Adsense Approvals are most for at least 20+ posts in Blog. (In my view)
     If rejected, reapply until it gets approved. You know even I got after 6 re-submissions.

     Try to do more re-submissions. This Post has Adsense policies according to the date of the last updated of the post. 

    But Adsense may change their policies any time. So Be check their policies regularly.

    So, You got Google Adsense approval and qualified but How to Get your Site Top on Google Search Results? 

    If you like this post, don’t forget to share it on Facebook and Twitter and do subscribe to our newsletter to keep receiving updates.

    What are the reasons in emails you are getting from AdSense for rejected?
    Let me know in the comments below.
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    Indian Blogger
    This is Suman Matety a blogger of SmartSuman. Started blogging for passion and later turned it into
    passion and growing myself.stay here for more.